Luigi's haunted mansion dark moon download
Luigi's haunted mansion dark moon download


Gadd's lab was different compared to the final. Luigi used voice clips from the first Luigi's Mansion.There was a early or cut desert room where a mummy appeared from the ground.When Luigi tried to suck up a sheet, the A button symbol appeared immediately.Ghosts looked different when they were stunned.Greenies with Kitchen utensils were in the Dining Room.The theme in Gloomy Manor was slightly slower than the final version.The courtyard in Gloomy Manor had a small conservatory with a chest containing some coins, and a statue with a sheet on it.In this version, Poltergeists did not have their brains shown in their heads.In this version, the door that leads to the Lobby originally leads to the Library.In this version, a Poltergeist turned the stairs into a slide in the Foyer of Gloomy Manor, summons a bunch of ghosts and heads to the Library.The knights in the Guard Hall had shinier armor.A ghost also honked the horn of the car to scare Luigi in this version. In the final version, Luigi only had the Poltergust 5000.


When Luigi was in the Garage, he had the Strobulb when the ghosts appeared.Instead he would hold his arms out and stand still. Luigi didn't cower in fear when pixelated.Luigi had an utility belt as shown in the demo which he carried his DS and items in.In the final version, it is on the bottom screen, but occasionally pops up at the bottom of the top screen when Luigi receives damage.


  • There was a heart gauge on the top corner of the top screen indicating Luigi's health.
  • In E3 2012, the game was renamed for North American and South Korean version as " Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon", with other regions keeping the old name but using a slightly updated logo.
  • The game was initially called " Luigi's Mansion 2" in all regions when first unveiled at E3 2011.

  • Luigi's haunted mansion dark moon download